The Road to Your Own OMGI Adventure: Funding

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Aziz Chaer
Behind every successful OMGI adventure lies a carefully planned financing strategy. Explore the path to your own Omgi adventure through our interview with Christoffer Melleby, CFO of Omgi. Learn about financing options, challenges, benefits and important advice for property owners looking to realize their dream of a unique OMGI location.

Landowners considering developing an OMGI location find themselves on the threshold of an exciting journey, filled with opportunities and challenges. One of the central pillars of this journey is securing the right funding to make the dream a reality. Christoffer has a long career in banking and finance and has worked extensively with financing for newly established companies.

Caption: Christoffer Melleby, CFO of Omgi.

Hello Christoffer, can you tell us a little about your background and role in Omgi?

Of course. I am from Skien and after several years as a corporate manager in banking, I have now recently started as CFO at Omgi. As CFO, one of my responsibilities is to ensure that our projects have sustainable finances and the right financial structure.

An important part of the path to realizing an OMGI project is understanding the financing options available to you. Landowners have several avenues to explore to fund their OMGI location, and it is important to carefully consider each option in order to find the best approach that suits their specific situation.

What options does a landowner considering developing an OMGI location have in terms of financing?

- There are several financing options landowners can explore. Traditional bank loans, investors, crowdfunding, cooperation with development funds or support schemes from governments can be some of the most common choices. Each of these has its advantages and disadvantages, and we recommend thorough analyzes to find the optimal solution.

Creating an OMGI location is an exciting journey that combines the beauty of nature with innovative architecture. But behind any unique OMGI adventure lies a carefully planned funding strategy. We help landowners navigate through this landscape and find the right financial path to success.

What are the advantages of the different options?

- Each financing option has its unique advantages. Bank loans provide independence and ownership, investors can add expertise and network, while crowdfunding provides a way to engage a wider audience. It is about balancing the needs and objectives of the project in order to choose the most appropriate approach.

Our focus is to guide landowners through these advantages and disadvantages so that they can make informed decisions based on their unique situation and objectives.

How can Omgi assist in the process of developing an OMGI location?

- We spar with property owners and customers about business plans, and help evaluate financial options. Our goal is to create a good collaboration that ensures that every OMGI project is a success. Omgi draws a lot of inspiration and knowledge from our partners in Snøhetta and Rambøll. Together, we create a solid platform for landowners to realize their OMGI dreams.

What challenges do you think customers should be aware of?

It is important to have a realistic expectation of the process around approvals and necessary permits. The plot must be zoned for the proper purpose and hold the necessary and relevant approvals. We recommend that you seek the help of a third party who can help you with this process.

At the same time, it is important to have a realistic expectation of the income potential and the work required to carry out successful rental and operation.

In general, one piece of advice is that the time spent in the planning phase is often saved with a good margin in the long run.

Do you have a call for property owners considering betting on an OMGI project?

- My call is to believe in their idea and prepare well. Be open to working with experts, be flexible in your approach to funding and be ready to adapt to changes along the way.

Omgi is here to support you throughout the process and help you create a unique OMGI adventure that will enrich life and nature.

How can landowners optimally utilize available financing opportunities to realize their OMGI projects?

- Optimal utilization of financing requires a thorough understanding of the project and its financial needs. Landowners should be active in exploring different sources of financing, understanding the conditions and finding the right balance between equity and loans. We encourage landowners to build strong relationships with banks, investors and crowdfunding platforms to create a solid foundation for funding.

How has Omgi previously assisted landowners with financial aspects, and what was the result of these collaborations?

- We have been involved in a number of projects where we have guided landowners through the financing process. Results have varied, but through sound planning, flexibility in financing strategy and close collaboration, many landowners have succeeded in realizing their OMGI projects. We view these projects as success stories that inspire other landowners to take the leap and create their own unique OMGI adventure.

What advice would you give to landowners who are considering committing to an OMGI project with sustainable funding and success in mind?

- My advice is to have a clear vision, conduct thorough market research, and understand their target audience. Moreover, one should build a reliable network of supporters, specialists in the field of finance and partners.

It is also important to take sustainability into account in all aspects of the project, as this not only appeals to a modern consciousness, but can also bring economic benefits in the long term.

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